Focussing energy from wind and weather, my large scale permanent wind drawing installation Wind Section Instrumental produces an output of drawings at MONA (The Museum of Old and New Art) in Hobart Tasmania. Situated on the grounds of MONA between the Turrell and Kiefer permanent works in the Roy Grounds Roundhouse above the Library.
It is open to public viewing as part of the Museum collection on permanent display
The installation is producing a 50 year archive of Wind Drawings, transcribing weather systems and events in a changing climate. The drawings are archived on site in a purpose-built scroll cabinet housing the many 5 metre ink drawings on watercolour paper.
Wind Section Instrumental maps the passing weather systems by making large scale ink drawings on paper. Outside the museum a 9 metre tower supports wind mechanisms driving the indoor drawing machine to make its marks, via a long series of heavy duty axles entering the museum through a window aperture.
This large scale wind-drawing machine uses wind speed to drive the pen, wind direction to swivel the drawing board, while electrically moving the paper slowly along at 500 cm per 13 days. Weather systems leave complex traces as they slowly pass through the area.
Produced by MONA and the artist’s teams in Melbourne and Hobart