Phase-space diagrams; stochastic bundles; sunlight and shadow; landscape and its influence.
Shadow Phase is a solar powered drawing instrument. A solar panel outside directly powers two motors - without battery storage, so when it is shaded or cloudy or night, the motors stop moving.
As the sun moves through the day, the trees and cloud create a changeling pattern of energy. This is drawn onto a paper roller which is mains powered. It is a controllable motor so can be adjusted to rotate over any time period: a whole day, an hour, a week , a month or more. Here it is set to create daily drawings of 12 or 24 hour duration. A solid white line on the drawing indicate the passage of night, when there is no signal to the drawing motor. The drawings are titanium white ink on hand painted watercolour paper.
This exhibition was part of Castlemaine State Festival 2018, at Lot19 Gallery