
EARTHCONE NOORAT TAROON A site art exploration of Mount Noorat, Western Victoria Australia by artists Cameron Robbins and Jon Tarry as part of the 25 year EARTHCONE series of sound art projects, in diverse locations coast to coast Australia and Europe.

Mt Noorat erupted around 20–25,000 years ago, ancient events which are recorded in the oral histories of the Kirrae Wuurong people.

Noorat is the largest DORMANT dry volcano in Australia, peaking at 310 metres above sea level. The vertiginous scoria crater is 200 metres wide and 150m deep, lower than the surrounding plain. It has multiple vents and a very complex topography.

Cameron Robbins Bass clarinet, Wind Drawing Instruments; Jon Tarry Sound Expansion Electro

Photography, video support and Trombone Brodie Ellis Support Jake Clover and Comet Recorded, Videography, Drone pilot: WeFo Studios/Leo Dale

Special Support by Robert Horner

Cameron Robbins and Jon Tarry, Fractal Horn by JT, photo Brodie Ellis
Cameron Robbins, Leo Dale, Jake Clover, Brodie Ellis, Anemograph , Noorat summit photo Jon Tarry
CR JT and Fractal Horn recording photo by Brodie Ellis
in the crater playing some Earthcone music JT and CR photo Brodie Ellis
the Crater is optically baffling to behold, and sonically it is its own world photo by Brodie Ellis
JT CR and Comet at the summit photo by Brodie Ellis